May 4, 2009

Some great posts I have read lately

I read this post Questions I Get Asked Most Often About Homeschooling, and her answer to the final comment, “I Could Never Do That—We’d Kill Each Other” really resonated with me. It speaks to thoughts I have had myself about homeschooling an ADHD child who is wonderful but sometimes difficult. I loved it. It reminded me that while you will have difficult days, "every day is another opportunity for you to help your child become someone (s)he is proud of."

I also read The Homeschool House Part 1 which talked about a family closet. I was truly excited by this post. I had never heard of a family closet but my mind started immediately working on how I could accomplish this in our house. The truth is, I have great difficulty tackling Mount Laundry and I truly believe creating a family closet will really help me to traverse this big obstacle in my life. I am so excited about this I can't even tell you. (I Know I get way to excited about organization ideas but what can I tell you? I am an organization freak in a disorganized house. Whenever I read of things that could to rectify that, I get excited)

1 comment:

Julie said...

I've heard of family closets, but we don't really have the right kind of space for that... And with the kids now folding all their own laundry (and putting it away), laundry is one of my easy tasks... Which reminds me, as soon as I am done with your blog, it's time to switch the laundry! *lol*
