Thirteen Things about Twisted Cinderella ![]() I have been given an award by The Burkes The recipient of this award to list 10 honest things about themselves -- make it interesting, even if you have to dig deep. And since this is Thursday, maybe I will try to name 13! I have to say, I have been blogging for 5 years this month, I have shared most things so this is a challenge.

I have been given an award by The Burkes The recipient of this award to list 10 honest things about themselves -- make it interesting, even if you have to dig deep. And since this is Thursday, maybe I will try to name 13! I have to say, I have been blogging for 5 years this month, I have shared most things so this is a challenge.
- I love to do anything creative. The computer is truly my biggest creative outlet. I use it to do things like scrapbooking, blogging, and creating layouts and such.
- I am reforming clean freak living in a messy house. I am married to a man who is the opposite of a clean freak, (we won't discuss what that makes him). My daughter is just like her father. I am fighting some sort of exhaustion (I am thinking diet related). So as a result I am trying to learn to let things go. I remind myself that if they are messy, they don't sit in judgment of me and how messy my house is. I have to learn to cut myself a break.
- I am the anti-feminist I have no issued with feminism and feminists, I just live my life in the way they are trying to get away from as far as I can tell. My biggest dream was always to be a housewife, being barefoot in the kitchen with kids tugging at my dress sounds like a dream to me. I have done the whole liberated working woman thing, but it left me feeling unfulfilled and stressed. This is so much better for me.
- I tend to change my look on the spur of the moment. It makes me feel good to have a change in my look. I have been known to leave the house with long blond hair and come home with short red hair.
- I am cutting Princess Belle's hair again sometime soon. She HATES having it done, she cries. Having it halfway long and halfway short means it gets in her face when she eats and is a disaster so I have warned her that it is getting short someday soon.
- I am a people pleaser. I hate to have people not like me, I feel bad when they don't. I am trying to learn to be more like Prince Charming and let it run like water off my back. I am learning, but it doesn't come naturally.
- I like to let things go a lot. If it is not a big deal, I don't want to make a big deal out of it. If someone is doing something in their yard that bugs me, I will just let it go. I don't care if you paint your house, mow your lawn, shovel your snow, park your car on the street, or put your garbage in the front of my house. If it doesn't effect me in some way, I am not going to hold it against you, I really do have more important things to do (like watching paint dry or listening to the grass grow). I just smile, and greet you and talk to you with no ill will at all. Life it too short to make problems where none exist.
- I have been watching my food intake and the way I feel when I eat them and I think I have issues with Gluten and Dairy. I have no idea what to do with that and how to eat that way. It feels a little like learning a foreign language. What do I do with this and how does it interplay with my trying to lose weight?
- I love to research things. I love the challenge of trying to find out all I can about a subject that interests me. I do it now and I remember doing it as a kid in our school library. The library had a filing system with folders filled with little bits of information about all sorts of subjects, I would take them out and go through the files. I would wander through the non-fiction aisles of the library looking at books and seeing what they had that interested me on that day. Now I wander the internet aisles and see what information I can find.
- Since I had the baby, I don't like how my body looks. Nothing fits me right and I refuse to buy clothes to fit this bigger body. It is only temporary and why waste money on a temporary situation. As a result I a very limited wardrobe and have been known to spend all day with my girls in my jammies. I am trying to get out of that habit though.
- I love music. Music is the backdrop to most of my life. I can remember "The Sesame Street and Elivis ablum years" and the "Bryan Adams and Bon Jovi" years (although truthfully the Bon Jovi years never ended). I can remember country music with my daddy and rock music with my friends and now it is once again in the Sesame street years. Just the first few notes of a song have the power to change my mood.
- I love all things historical but I have a great love for old books. I love the look of them, the feel of them and reading them. I love to know that 100 years ago someone else held this same book in their hand.
- I am completely unable to throw away an old magazine. But then I am also likely to drag old magazines up out of the basement and read them every once in a while when the mood strikes.
You and I are a lot alike!
Very honest. Have a great weekend.
I am a #3 too!
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