Jun 21, 2010


I am feeling better today. I am remembering back to the other times in her life, when I felt that Princess Belle was extra stressful and misbehaved and I am remembering that it was always related to some change happening. She doesn't do change well. It bothers her, it stresses her out and she can't articulate it, so she acts out. It is all a part of her Autistic personality. Knowing that makes it easier for me to not feel like such a bad mom. I have to guide her and love her and not let her get away with bad behavior, but I have to understand as well.

We are going through a big change, we are moving. But it is being dragged out as we wait to find a place. That is stressful for me, so I can understand how a long drawn out big change like this would be stressful for her too.

I talked to her today. We discussed the move and how long it is taking. We talked about her feelings. She got a bit teary when she discussed how lonely she is here. I truly feel like I have hit on the reason for her behavior lately.


Anonymous said...

yes, change and autism DO NOT go hand in hand (we have 3 autistic children) :) We did a lot of moving as a military family, and I know that making them feel like they are safe, and that mainly being accomplished by maintaining the same routine that you had before you started moving and changing things around. I know it may seem hard for her right now, but she will adapt to her new life so quickly once she gets into her new room :)

I'm so glad to be following your blog again--I've missed you!

Julie said...

I'm glad you were able to figure things out. :)

