Oct 15, 2013

What not to store in the fridge

I was reading some things and I found out that there are things I store in the fridge, that I don't need to!  Here are some:
  1. Hot Sauce can stay in the pantry for up to three years and this includes Tabasco and Frank's Red Hot sauce. You can also include Worchestershire, Heinz 57, Soy Sauce and Sriracha as all non-refrigerated items!
  2. Potatoes. Store in dry pantry in a paper bag.
  3. Onions.  Try to keep in their original mesh bag or any other that allows circulation and keep in the pantry. Keep away from potatoes which causes onions to rot.
  4. Garlic.  It will last in the pantry for two months. Refrigerating garlic can reduce the flavor and actually cause mold. 
  5. Winter Squashes.  Any type of winter squash from acorn, butternut, spaghetti squash will taste better and last about a month or more in the pantry. 
  6. Melons.  Keep whole melons on the counter to achieve the best flavor. Research has found that storing at room temp helps to keep antioxidants better intact. Once cut you can store in the fridge for 3-4 days.

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