Oct 5, 2013

Exciting things

There are several exciting things going on in my world:  
  1. I have ordered the rest of the curriculum I want for the girls for the rest of the year. 
  2. We are actually considering making this a more permanent forever home than we ever have before.  So I am inspired to do decorating and have fun and make it really ours.
  3. I am moving the classroom up to our playroom to have a playroom/classroom combination.  The basement was fine for the warm weather, but it gets cold in the colder weather and this way, I can keep an eye on the baby while still doing the school work.  I am excited by this.
  4. I am looking forward to having more fun with the kids rooms and making them adorable!
  5. I decorated the front of our house for fall.  This is the first year I have done that and I LOVE it!  
  6. I am looking into ways to make our whole home a healthier place by looking up more healthy family friendly recipes.  I figure, it will help me get my motivation back and it is always a good thing for my kids to get to eat more healthy food.

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