Aug 17, 2010

When Your 8 year old gets the camera (take two)

A few times in the last couple of months, Princess Belle has gotten her little hands on the camera. (as a result the batteries are dead, but we will overlook that right now. LOL) I haven't the heart to delete her pics as it is like taking a peak into her world. So, I thought I would share them with you guys. I didn't share the blurry, what-the-heck-is-she-photographing-here pics, but I did share a lot of them.

This was a good day. After we finished homeschool, we put Princess Magpie down for a nap and Princess Belle, Princess Snifflefritz and I went out. I took them shopping for baby food (it is on sale). Then we went to the library. They are selling off some of their books at a quarter each so I got some for Princess Belle, their were some novels in the back for free that I also got some from as well. After that we headed to the park, when we got there, the water park was on, so we ran home and got Princess Belle her swimsuit so that she could run and play in the water. She had a great time and so did I.


Julie said...

It's nice that your husband can stay home and watch the kids so that you can go out. :)

My kids all love to take photos! ... And Alicia can come up with some interesting ones too, with her toys and such. *lol*

Crazy Working Mom said...

Heh! Looks like she's a natural! :)
