Aug 24, 2010

Tuesday Tidbits

  1. My best friend helped me get my pics off my camera again so I will soon have lots of pics to share with you guys (I just have to go through them all.
  2. Can you believe my baby girl is EIGHT months old??? I can't! It is just going so fast.
  3. I really need to find a way for her to have her own room. I have never seen a baby who is as light a sleeper as she is and she is making me crazy. She is such a light sleeper, I can't put her in with her sisters and having her in my room means I spend the whole night trying not to turn over or snore or move in my bed. NOT FUN!
  4. We went to a Farmers Market today. I LOVED all the fresh veggies. I spent the last of our money and bought some wonderful zucchini, squash, carrots, broccoli and tomatoes. Yummy! I am including some in a yummy veggies stir-fry for my supper tonight!
  5. In homeschooling, we are almost finished our unit study of the 17th century. After that we will start Mexico. I am really looking forward to having some fun learning about Mexico with Princess Belle.
  6. Princess Magpie and Princess Snifflefritz wore matching onsies today. It was so cute to see them in their little matching strollers with their matching onsies.


Anonymous said...

we had our young one in our room for awhile and we had THE SAME problem you did. We went so far as to covert a closet into a room. It was big enough for the crib. She, now at almost 2, sleeps with her sisters in a crib in the room and LOVES it.

Julie Coney said...

I have that mexico study too... can't wait to use it either. Just got back from there and it is the most amazing place! It is so much more than what we hear on the news....

Crazy Working Mom said...

Yay for pictures!

LOVE the farmer's market as well. :)

Hope to see pics of the girls in their matching outfits.
