Jun 8, 2015

Well . . . it's clean!

I have been going through our house, clearing every room of every inch of fabric and washing it out.  I am about done now and it has been QUITE the job, let me tell you.  I have spent HOURS at the laundromat washing and drying all those clothes, blankets, towels, curtains etc, ELEVEN large bags of laundry! 

It is now all sitting folded in piles and waiting for me to deal with it.  My next job is to go through all that stuff and decide what else needs to be donated to charity.  I have a charity coming in a couple of days to pick up some more things.  I like the lightening of the load I feel by getting rid of things. 

I will say that waiting at the laundromat for all that stuff makes for a LONG, LONG day.  I was so exhausted yesterday, I fell asleep early.  Today, I managed to get the last 2 bags laundry done.  I also managed to get some time to get out and get some packing tape and some stuff for the kids. 

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