Sep 15, 2014

She doesn't know

Princess Magpie doesn't understand.  Ever since Princess Snifflefritz was born, she has been insecure about her place in our family.  She is always seeking to make sure that she is loved, looking for more hugs and more reassurance. 

She doesn't know.  She does't understand that for six long years I waited for her.  She was longed for, dreamed about and a celebrated arrival.  No matter how many kids followed her, she is special.  She is my funny, loving, wonderful, beautiful Princess Magpie and nothing will ever change that.

I LOVE when she is thoughtful.  I love to hear the profound (and sometimes silly) thoughts that she comes up with in the quiet of the day.

I LOVE her imagination.  The games she plays and the stories she makes up are fun for us all.

I LOVE her attitude.  She is always there with a willing heart and a smile to help mommy in the chores around the house.  

I LOVE her face.  I have always been struck by the sweet beauty of her face.  I know I am her mom, but she is simply lovely to me.  

I LOVE her laugh. She is quick to laugh with me, with her sisters, or with her baby brother.  She fills our hearts and home with laughter.

This sweet, funny, loving child doesn't know.  She can't understand that she is special.  She will always be special.  Nothing can change that.  Each of my kids is special.  Each of them fills my heart and my home with boundless love and laughter.  I LOVE them all with everything that is in my heart.  The only problems is that  unlike the others . . .  she doesn't know.

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