Sep 15, 2012

Saturday Photohunt: Hairy and Glass

Technorati PhotoHunters and Photohunter Facebook

The theme this week is * Hairy *
I found this one to be a bit more of a challenge. I finally settled on a couple of pics from the day of the community BBQ. It was a bit windy that day and our pics kept turning out a bit hairy with our hair blowing in the wind.

The other theme this week is Glass.  This theme was easy for me, I immediately remembered taking these pictures of Princess Magpie and Princess Snifflefritz through the glass of their window and loving how you can see the reflection of the trees in our yard in the glass.


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Cinderella ballerina was in town, and my kids talk about the glass slipper all the time.

Carver said...

Great shots of the children and a good take on the themes.

Four-eyed-missy said...

Your princesses are adorable!
Wind-swept hair is cute, too.

Sreisaat Adventures

Susan Demeter said...

Awwww sweet pics! Love the face paint. :) I miss when my kiddos were that small.

magiceye said...


Ingrid said...

Very sweet pictures for both themes !

Anne said...

What beautiful children. Great take on the themes!


Furries said...

Your girls are cute, even with windblown hair. And the reflection in the glass is very nice. We had an easy time finding
hairy photos. There's no way we could do glass - our windows are never that clean!

eastcoastlife said...

Such adorable girls! Good to them having fun.

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

It is fabulous that you take the time to enjoy a beautiful day!
Thanks for joining the Saturday PhotoHunt.

Vicki said...

Wind-swept hair is a good fit for the theme. The children look like they are having a lot of fun.

My hairy is at

YTSL said...

The hairy photos are fun and the glass ones lovely. :)

Anonymous said...

Great shots for this week's theme - love the way you've captured the happy expressions. Have a super weekend.

Julie said...

Cute pictures! :)
