Aug 3, 2019


It has been a productive couple of days. Yesterday I cleaned, organized and sorted out the girls' bedroom. They now have twice as much floor space as they did to begin with. It looks amazing. And they're very excited by it.

Today I organized and sorted out my bedroom. It looks so much better. It now has more floor space it doesn't look cluttered and I don't get stressed out when I go into it.

This afternoon after that I did seven loads of laundry. It is amazing amount of clothing and towels everybody in our house and crammed in the corners of their rooms!

Tomorrow I'm doing the rest of the laundry. Three or four more loads tomorrow. But that means said it three days I will have cleaned up and sorted my entire house, done seven loads of laundry, and now my house is perfect, Tip Top shape. Well except for whatever the kids mess up while I'm out doing laundry.


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