Jul 19, 2014

Saturday Photohunt: Nails and Sheer

The Saturday PhotoHunts for this week are: nails and sheer.  I found these impossible to combine.  Actually I found nails hard period. 

So here is what I went with for sheer:

In this pic, there is a sheer quality  to the hair in this pic of Princess Magpie when she was about 2.

Here tutu is somewhat sheer in these two pics.

Here is what I went with for nails:

At first I went with the nails that are on your hands . . . your fingernails.  In this pic, Princess Snifflefritz is carefully studying her nails.

 In this pic, you can see Princess Notsosnowwhite's nails as she shows Princess Magpie her phone.

And in this pic, there are small nails holding these pictures on the wall


Ingrid said...

Still you found some nice nails !

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Those sweet photos... they hold a lot of memories!
Sheer Joy!

fredamans said...

That lil ballerina made my day! :-D
