Jul 14, 2012

Saturday Photohunt: * Dance*

My girls love to dance. They love music in all its forms and they have been doing their own little boogies since before they could sit on their own. I have the fondest memories of them dancing together, dancing with excitement or quietly dancing without even realizing they are doing it. So the theme "DANCING" for this week's photohunt should have been easy for me, but it is so hard sometimes for me to stop enjoying the fun to think to capture those moments of pure joy.


Susan Evans said...

My kids love to dance, too, even though they look goofy. I guess the goofiness is part of the fun.

Mariposa said...

It is fun to watch kids dancing especially when they're having so much fun ;)

Julie said...

Out of all my kids, Amanda is my dancer. She LOVES it, and has since she was a wee thing. :)

