Jul 17, 2011

Getting things done

Well today I attacked the girls' rooms with a vengance. I started with Princess Belle's room as there was an awful smell in there that needed ferretting out. I won't even tell you the extent of unmentionable, disgusting things I found stashed in all corners, pokey places, and crevices of her room. I will tell you that she lost some of her hiding places as a punishment. But her room is now refreshing, clean, and livable once again!

After I spent all morning on her room, I decided to the toddler's room too. It wasn't as bad (I keep on top of it) but I had to move things around to ensure that the babies didn't get into things that they shouldn't. So not their room looks great too.

It may not be an exciting day to post about it, but seeing the girls enjoying their newly cleaned rooms was really nice.


Eschelle Westwood Mumfection said...

I love purging the kids rooms it is always so satisfying!

Julie said...

I need to do a "mama job" in my girls' rooms too. It's been a while. I did Alicia's in December, and Amanda's in January... But they have to clean their rooms daily, so they don't get too bad... Alicia is getting so good at it, I don't know if it really needs a Mama job anymore.

