Feb 2, 2010

Princess Belle's ambitions

Princess Belle and Prince Charming and I were watching a movie and it inspired a discussion about how the girl's mother was wrong and she should let her daughter grow up to be whatever she wants to be when she grows up. We said that girls can like whatever they want to and if they like cars they can grow up to be mechanics or race car drivers and if they want to like Princess's and Dolly's that is okay too. Princess Belle declared that she loved singing so she was going to grow up and be a singer . . . well that and a doctor. Hmmm . . . the world's first singing doctor . . . sounds good. I think I can go along with that. LOL


Julie said...

Hey! She can entertain her patients with concerts. :D


Crazy Working Mom said...

...and who wouldn't love to have a singing doctor check them over!? She's a genius! :)
