Dec 27, 2022

Feeling Accomplished

 He got home from school and asked to to take a mommy and me picture.

Dec 25, 2022

Merry Christmas

We opened presents, saw the magic candy canes we planted, had a yummy meal, and a wonderful day

Dec 22, 2022

Happy 13th Birthday, Princess Snifflefritz

My beautiful baby girl is thirteen.  I am so proud of her, how hard she works, and her beautiful, big heart.

Dec 21, 2022

12 mugs of Christmas (plus seven bonus mugs)

I drank out of a different Christmas coffee mug every day until I ran out of mugs.  I love them so much!!  Here is my selection:

Dec 20, 2022

Wrapping Up


When I was planning to wrap presents, I was apparently scared to run out of tape!  Look at all this!  I finished the wrapping today.  (I also have 4 full rolls of wrapping paper left). Yay, me.
