Jun 1, 2007


I am so scared and stressed. The spotting is worse today. I had my BHCG levels tested again, but I won't get the results until next week. I know seeing the heartbeat was good but I am spotting worse and I so scared I am going to lose my baby. It would break my heart completely. I am so sad and scared and worried.


Nancy said...

I'm sorry you are scared, I would be to, BUT, please relax, try not to stress yourself out. Think good thoughts and focus on the positive.
I'wlitam praying for and with you. =)

Nancy said...

* oops typo ...that's I'm praying for and with you.

I think I typed the word verification in there somehow, lol

Heart of Rachel said...

I hope and pray that you and your baby will be safe. I experienced spotting too when I was pregnant and I could understand what you are going through now. Plenty of bed rest is advisable during this time. Take care.

Crazy Working Mom said...

Did they tell you to lie down on your back with your feet elevated? I had some spotting and that's what they told me. Please keep us posted.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Kat said...

(((HUGS))) and Prayers.

Lori Imel - Living4Him2 said...

I am sorry you are having problems with this pregnancy....

I just read some of your prior blog entries and you are NOT Advance Maternal age.... LOL I am 43 and 21 weeks pregnant....

Since you saw the baby's heartbeat - U/s - while you were spotting - maybe there is a possibility that you are miscarrying a twin. That is good that you just saw a strong heart beat. Well I will be praying that everything is alright!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm praying for you and sending lots of hugs!!!
