May 25, 2007


Theme: Colorful Become a Photo Hunter View Blogroll
The theme this week is colorful. and the first thought I had was of this Layout I did with Little Princess playing in a bouncy house, but then I remembered, the little lego birdies she made me for mothers day, and the gingerbread house, and me being me, I just couldn't pic one. So I am sharing them all.


-tnchick- said...

Don't you love the things kids make/give us? Love the gingerbread house!

Cheryl said...

Okay, I give you the prize for great color! Amazing!

Anonymous said...

I love the pics in the sidebar and the witty comments that set them off!

Melli gave me a ticket for her blog train and I am just checking out the other passengers on the ride. Have a nice trip!

Linda said...

Those are some of the most colorful gumdrops I have ever seen! Love 'em!

Anonymous said...

great take on the theme!

Anonymous said...

Those are all great shots full of color.

Unknown said...

Awesome colors!!!! I have really enjoyed visiting your blog

Melli said...

*SMILE* LOL! Kids bring SO much color to our worlds! Ain't it great?

Anonymous said...

Like the pics, little princess is having so much fun playing.

Lynn said...

Haha! I love the ginger bread!

Anonymous said...

Great choices for colorful. Happy Saturday!

Hootin Anni said...

I love these....each and every ONE!! Kids can really color our world with brightness and pleasures only known by the receiver!! [and by us too, when you share them with us]

Thanks for the visit.

BeeKeeper said...

Those are all great photos!Love the gingerbread house-cute.

Nancy said...

OK, that gingerbread house is too cute ... did she eat it? (I would have)

PowersTwinB said...

3 very beautiful, colorful photos! Great for the theme this week! My photo is up, please visit soon

Anonymous said...

Those are all very colorful and pretty photos!
They fit the theme perfectly.

Yes, I just posted the Saturday Scraps for this week. Hope to see one of your beautiful layouts for inspiration.

Have a great weekend.

Ingrid said...

If that is not colorful, then I don't know !

Anonymous said...

All wonderful, colorful and memory making pics! Great for sharing!

Mine is up!

ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

Very pretty and colorful pictures! I especially like the first one. And congrats on being pregnant. I noticed your pregnancy tracker first thing:) Best Wishes for a healthy, happy pregnancy!!

Full Contact, Savior-centric Livin said...

Great colorful photos--I thought about gingerbread houses, too, but settled for a movie star.

Anonymous said...

I love your lego birds. Your daughter is so creative!

Anonymous said...

Now, those are colorful.

I never know what to do with our gingerbread houses after Christmas is over. What do you do with yours?
