Jun 21, 2011


Can I tell you a secret? I happen to think I make the world's most precious babies. They fill my soul in a way that no words can describe. The feeling of little arms clinging to my neck, the sounds of their laughter as they wake up in the morning or as they play monsters with their blankets. There are moments when I look around at my living room filled with love and laughter and I am just completely and totally and blissfully content. When I look into the faces of my three little girls, I know why I was put on this earth, I know that my greatest accomplishment in all my life will be being their mommy. And I am so grateful to have been chosen for the job.

1 comment:

Annie said...

I can absolutely relate to feeling "completely and blissfully content" when being around my children while they are happily having silly conversations, creating stories, or giggling. I must admit there are the (not-so-rare recently) moments when I also have the fleeting thought of auctioning those same little red heads off at a garage sale, but then they smile at me and my heart melts again. Hugs!
