Real moms . . . . know that a kiss and a hug really can cure most of the worlds problems.
Real moms . . . . know what it is to be completely broken hearted because your child is.
Real moms . . . . know that sometimes dishes in the sink and toys on the floor are less important than cuddles to Treehouse
Real moms . . . . know that sometimes it is okay to be grateful for bedtime
Real moms . . . . know that there is no feeling finer than the arms of your child around you neck
Real moms . . . . know that sometimes peanut butter and jelly for supper is better than junk food
Real moms . . . . know what it is to worry about food intake, fevers, potty training and wet sheets.
Real moms . . . . know that the food on your plate will almost always taste better than the food on your childs and share
Real moms . . . . know that silence can be wonderful, unless your child is home and awake
Real moms . . . . know that hugs, kisses, loving and listening are the best things you can do for your child
Real moms . . . . hearts swell with joy when your child looks at you and says, "Mommy, you are my special friend and I love you through the roof and down the road."
Okay I’ll stop. For now. And the five REAL MOMS I would like to elect?
- An Island Life
- My Splatter Painted Life
- The Adventures of Fantastagirl
- Zen is So In..Why Can't I Find It?
I also wanted to share this link with you. It is for an amazingly touching video clip about autism that I wanted to share with as many people as possible. This is Five For Fighting’s project with Autism Speaks. Click here to watch a video of their song “World” featuring pictures of Autistic children, as well as facts about Autism. It is a moving video that is sure to choke you up with emotions and prayers for the many families enduring the profound impact of autism. And the bonus is that for every time the video is viewed - up to 49 cents is donated to Autism Speaks. Thanks to Elle and 5 Minutes for Mom for making me aware of this video.
Vegan Cheese
One of the big complaints I have heard about being vegan is that people couldn't give up their cheese. I have found a cheese that has changed all that for me! It is wonderful! These are the types I have tried. The Nacho cheese has wonderful flavor and the mozzerella is so creamy when it melts. I haven't tried them not melted yet, but melted, they are heavenly.

Yep, I should say you are a real mom. Hope Little princess is feeling better's always hard when your favorite people go home. I'm looking forward to meeting my new grand baby in a month but will miss her horribly when they leave.
We use the Vegan Gourmet Cheeze too. I like to shred a little bit of the Monterey Jack Cheeze on top of burritos. It's yummy.
I LOVE your real mom list! All of those are so very true. The one about the silence is so very true!
Thanks for stopping by. I will be back to visit you!
What is this thing called 'Silence' you speak of? I think I've heard it before, but it's been so long, I don't remember what it sounds like!LOL!
Yes, silence is wonderful and relaxing.
Since Katelyn, is my chatterbox,when she goes to K,things will be very quiet around here. One more year to go !
You're an awesome mom and thanks for the tag, I'd love to do this one.
Take care and have a great day!
Congrats on your weight loss. I know how hard the journey can be.
I'll have mine up either tomorrow or the next day...
Your list is awesome!!
The autism video... wow, how touching! I am a mom of a child on the autistic spectrum (aspergers).
I enjoyed the video, that was very touching. The Real Moms poem can go for Real Dads too!
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