Apr 18, 2007

Gingerbread Fun


Donna. W said...

A gingerbread house? I remember reading fairy tales about a gingerbread house!

Jenny McB said...

Looks yummy and fun, nice idea for a scrap-booking page.

~*Kelli BoBelli*~ said...

Oooooh....how CUTE!!!! I never had the patience for a gingerbread house. I'm too ADD!!

YellowRose said...

Too cute! A little princess decorating her gingerbread house!!

Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Great pic...she is really concentrating. Great layout for the scrapbook!

Ingrid said...

Decorating house or mouth ?

An Ordinary Mom said...

Can I come decorate, too?

Melli said...

Ginger houses in April??? Huh. Musta been a bunny house! Cute!

Anonymous said...

Love the image. Very colorful.


Anonymous said...

She looks like she's having a blast. There is nothing like decorating and playing house. *smile*

Lazy Daisy said...

Oh how fun and tasty too!

Patois42 said...

I'm with Melli on this one. Bunny hatch? Hers is looking much better than me and mine are ever able to produce.

Pearls of Wisdom said...

Oh we love making gingerbread houses too. What a cute picture. Thanks for sharing and happy WW.

Angel Mama ():)

Monkey Giggles said...

yummy yum....great memories.

Anonymous said...

she's having a great time!! Doing a great job too!!

The World In The Eyes Of Brothers said...

That is such a lovely memory. They gingerbread house looks so yummy, now I am hungry

Anonymous said...

She's doing a great job of decorating. Yummy....Gum Drops.
Looks like she's having fun.
Happy WW!

Cinnamon Girl said...

Now I am having a sugar craving! Happy WW =)

Sandee said...

She looks like she is having the time of her life. Wonderful contribution to WW.

Unknown said...

Looks like that was fun!

Lisa said...

Great photo!

I should get your recipe for the icing. We made a ginderbead house and I think we got too candy happy....the whole thing fell down. I think I blogged about it?

Happy Wordless Wednesday! :o)
