Apr 6, 2007

Friday Feast

Click on the picture to join in the Friday Feast Fun! Have a Great Friday!

When you travel, which mode of transportation do you prefer?

Car, I guess. I love boats and planes but I can get most anywhere I want to cheaper by car. And BUSES SUCK A LOT!

Have you ever met a blogging friend in person?

A blogging friend no, I have had person I know IRL blog and I have met a friend from a Mothers Forum in person. It was awesome!

When was the last time you were really, really tired?

Just a couple of weeks ago when I first went Vegan and I wasn't eating right. Once I fixed my diet, I got MUCH MUCH better.

Main Course
If you could have dinner with any one fictional character from a book or movie, who would it be?

Since I just finished reading the Narnia books today the only name I can come up with is Aslan, ask me another day and you may get another answer.

Fill in the blank: One day, I hope to see _______________.

One day, I hope to see my daughter grown, happy and living a fulfilled life.


Annie said...

I agree with your dessert!
I enjoyed your feast!
Easter Blessings~
♥ Annie
My Life as Annie!

Anonymous said...

I agree with your dessert as well! Great feast :)

Anonymous said...

ooooh... Aslan would be a good one! I didn't think of him! Happy Friday!

Crazy Working Mom said...

Great feast and very fulfilling dessert! :)

Happy Easter.

Heart of Rachel said...

A lovely dessert. I also wish to see my son successful and happily married someday.

Jenny McB said...

Great scrap book pages. Are they digital ( only on the computer?) Do you have to use a special photo editing program?

Thank you for the birthday wishes, did you get the same storm, yesterday? Our storms either go out to sea or up to the maritimes.

YellowRose said...

Great feast! I agree Aslan would be a great dinner guest!

Happy Friday!

Amy's Blah, Blah, Blogging said...

I was going to say Aslan too but I thought people would be like, "Waaaa???" So I chose someone else.

Take care,

Barbara H. said...

I can echo your dessert! The main course was hard to narrow down -- many of the Narnia characters would be fun.

JHS said...

What we all wish for our children. A lovely sentiment.
