Apr 27, 2007

Friday Feast

Click on the picture to join in the Friday Feast Fun! Have a Great Friday!

How fast can you type?

I can type 60 - 70 words per minute


What is your favorite online game?

I don't play on-line games but if I did it would be tetris type game. I like those.


On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 as highest), how intelligent do you think you are?

When I was tested it was really high but I will say 8 because lord knows having a kid let me know how much I didn't know.

Main Course

Name three of your best teachers from your school years.

Mrs. Brooks, Mrs Maloney (I called her Mrs. Baloney), and Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Brooks was my favorite. She always made me feel special. Mrs. Maloney was my kindergarten teacher. When I think of her and how much of an impact she had on my life, I think about the fact that Little Princess will be attending kindergarten this fall. I think about how much of an impact her impression of school in that beginning stage can have on her feelings about school in general. She is really not liking preschool and so far is really looking forward to kindergarten. She has met her teacher and really likes her. I hope it stays that way. I want her to love her early education as much as I did.


What are your plans for this upcoming weekend?

Not too much. Enjoy the weather, hopefully we get paid, so I can pay some bills, not too much.


I had the weirdest dreams last night. I dreamed I called my grandmother and she was at my Aunt's house. My Aunt, my uncle, my cousins were all there and my grandmother said that she they had all mutually decided that they didn't approve of me and that they weren't going to talk to me anymore. Huh? Weird.


I hate that money becomes an issue when dieting. When I want to eat healthy, I should have to decide between having healthy food and having enough food. That just sucks. I guess it is partly because when I buy the healthy food, it is in addition to buying all the things that I buy for Prince Charming and Little Princess.

Little Princess

Speaking of food, the daycare driver told me today that they are having a heck of a time getting her to eat at daycare. He asked me to try to talk to her to convince her to eat. I will try and I did but her reaction when I mentioned it is pretty much what I get all the time. "But MOMMY, if they give me yucky food that I don't like . . . then I don't like it!" I would send food in that she likes, but truth be told, I really don't know what to try anymore. I was thrilled this week to learn that if I disguise food with cheese, I can get her to eat it. I was thrilled this week that I got her to eat big suppers, three days in a row. She is sooooo stubborn. If she doesn't want to eat it, There ain't nothing on this good green earth that will make her eat it.

Book Fair

I went to a book fair yesterday to support our local community center. We spent $6 and the books were 12 for $1. We got 15 books each for me, Prince Charming and Little Princess and then Prince Charming also got a set of books about renovating and constructions. I swear it was like Christmas here yesterday with all of us sitting around with our books and little Princess running over to get me to put aside my book to read book after book to her. I got a couple really amazing cook books that I am thrilled with. Two of them were published in 1953; The Joy of Cooking and the Better Homes and Gardens New Cookbook. I love old classics like that. I also got a little cookbook with a newspaper clipping inside about the author. It is a Pennsylvania Dutch cookbook and it is filled with little anecdotes about the authors life and experiences as a Pennsylvania Dutch Old Order Mennonite. It is wonderful and the recipes are simple and look wonderful. I can't wait to get into them. There are a surprising number that are vegetarian/vegan friendly.


Cory said...

People used to tell my mom that she needed to make me eat because I never did. She just told people that I ate when I got hungry. So, try not to worry about LP too much. When she's hungry, she'll eat!

Ingrid said...

I just met Mrs. Brook, Malony and Smith in the street, they are all well. Mrs. Brooks is expecting her 10th child, lol !

Anonymous said...

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

You're right about the healthy foods costing more. I know I spend more money when I buy a lot of fruits and veggies than I do when I don't buy as many. It shouldn't be that way, but it is unfortunately!

Melli said...

I can NOT believe that you had a MRS. Baloney -- I had a MR. Baloney! (well... I had both ... but it was the MR. that was "mine") They were an elderly couple that lived down the street from me when I was small and I adopted them to be my grandparents! They were Maloney's too! How cool is that?


THE BARON is a slow typer. It took him three minutes just to type this. That comes up to eight words per minute.


Kim said...

Wonderful feast today. Tetris is a wonderful game! Haven't played it in a while...maybe I should give it a try some time soon. Mine is up...come on over!

Crazy Working Mom said...

Great feast! Your little girl is just too cute.
Thanks for dropping by.

I know what you mean about having kids showing you how much you DON'T know! Heh heh

Tawnya Shields said...

Happy Friday. I enjoyed your feast. I got a laugh out of your Mrs. Baloney. :o)~

Have a great weekend.
