I have been having issues with Little Princess peeing the bed. She does it a lot. I am not sure how much of this is normal. She stays dry and never pees her pants outside her room. But once you put in her room and close the door she seems to feel no need to get up and go pee. Maybe she is sleeping, I have no idea. But I am at a loss as to how to proceed and I am starting to wash the colors out of her sheets.
I have been vegetarian for three months now! woohoo! I have had a couple of rough days where I would look at the food I was cooking for Little Princess and Prince Charming and really really really want it. And there have been some concerns about the cost of me eating a completely different meal than the rest of the omnivores in our house. But for the most part, I am enjoying the good health and the challenge of finding healthy yummy food to eat.
Sunday Silly
I read this on a parenting board I read and I had to share it here. It just completely cracked me up.
This is a column in Esquire every month, in case you didn't know. They have some celebrity woman give her list. They're usually pretty humorous, and MSN has some up today. This one is from Courtney Cox:
1. Pull your pants up. You're not 15, you're not a rapper, and we need to see the shape of your ass.
2. Pull your pants down. You're not 85, you're not an accountant, and we don't need to see the shape of your balls.
3. Breasts are not a speed bump to the promised land.
4. Yes, we want you to be more verbal. No, burping doesn't count.
5. Kissing is something that you need to stay engaged in, even if all the blood is rushing out of your head and into other parts of your body.
6. Speaking of which, though it might make for a cool carnival sideshow, our entire face will not fit inside your mouth, and thus this makes for lousy kissing.
7. If we're crying and you're holding us and get a hard-on, we automatically deduct points.
8. And getting a boner while we're sleeping next to you is not an excuse to wake us up. This is not what they mean by serendipity.
9. We pay closer attention to your hands than you think. It's bad enough if you don't have manly hands, but if your nails are
longer than ours, forget it.10. You don't get a vote in the preferred shape of our pubic hair. Until you've had hot wax poured all over your crotch, you're merely a passenger on that flight.
I love photography. I sometimes wish I could take a course and learn more about it. I love taking pics, photo editing, playing with lighting and subject matter, taking portraits and landscape shots. It all makes me happy. years ago, I used to take my camera everywhere so I could capture things that caught my eye. I have stopped doing that lately and if I do, I am only taking pics of Little Princess, but I am thinking that maybe I should just start taking my camera with me, just in case.

Congratulations on meeting the three month mark! I know how accomplished it feels when you stick to your goals. I also love photography and the best way to learn is just read your users manual and play around with your camera. Taking a class could be helpful if you want to do some tricky stuff, though.
Congrats on your 3 months being a vegetarism!
Your sunday silly from Courtney Cox was so funny, I just love her!
I have to comment on the three months vegatarian also, great job! I have found over the years many veg dishes that the family loved so that I do not cook two separate meals, but I used to in the beginning.
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