Aug 17, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I absolutely DID NOT realize that since I moved Poor Princess Magpie, I have been unable to hear her unless she is REALLY UPSET. My poor baby!! I would never forget to plug in her baby monitor. NOPE! NOT ME!

I certainly DID NOT go in to get my Princess Magpie out of crib and find her sitting up, naked as a little jay bird, grinning at me, saying, "Hi!" NOPE! NOT ME!

I really DO NOT find that letting Princess Magpie run around and stand at my knee eating off my plate gets to her eat a bigger supper. I would never start bad habits this early in her life! NOPE! NOT ME!

I DID NOT send Princess Belle to day camp without her permission slip for their field trip. I would never forget such things forcing her to run home to get her slip signed. NOPE! NOT ME!

And a few hours later, I DID NOT find that Princess Belle had to come back home again to get a supper because they were going to be gone for lunch and supper today. I do not suffer from preggo brain and find myself forgetting things more often than I should. NOPE! NOT ME!


Anonymous said...

This is the first not me Monday post I have ever read - I like it and glad that none of these things happened to you!! LOL!!

Emily said...

that pregnant really good me good too last year!

Julie said...

Uhg. I remember that when I was pregnant with Amanda, I forgot to turn on the baby monitor and fell asleep on the couch. When I woke up 2 hours later, I could hear Alicia going BALISTIC in her crib in her room, and it sounded like she had been crying for a while. *sigh* I felt SO AWFUL!

