Feb 9, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
  1. I DID NOT sit on the couch after Princess Belle left for school, think about the long couple of nights I have had with Princess Maggie the last couple of days and lay down and fall asleep instead of getting the breakfast dishes done. Not me!!

  2. I DID NOT see that the puppy had pulled some of the clean folded towels into his bed, go to pick them up and think, "Screw it, he can have them until I do laundry." Not me!!

  3. I DID NOT feel so sleepy today that I am still sitting here in my nightdress. Nope, Not me!!

  4. I DID NOT get up this morning and have a soy chai latte and leftover chili for breakfast. I wouldn't do that instead of making a proper breakfast. Nope, Not me!!

  5. I DID NOT get up in the morning on the weekend with the puppy, while everyone else in the house was asleep, walk out of my room to get him from his whining, and trudge the whole way in my sleep-deprived state grumbling about how much I wish he was a cat. Nope, Not me!!

  6. I DID NOT discuss with Prince Charming about all my digestive issues and how they have improved since going gluten and dairy free. We are proper and don't discuss such things. Nope, Not me!!

  7. I DID NOT start talking to my cousin's wife on facebook and decide that I like her better than most of my blood relatives. Nope, Not me!!


Julie said...

lol...this cracks me up! I love this meme but some Mondays my brains aren't warmed up enough to try it! lol

Heather said...

Funny! Sounds like your breakfast could compete with my odd meal choices.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

MMmm, yummy breakfast. Don't you wish we could choose our relatives? That would be nice! Cute blog!

Anonymous said...

In my book, leftovers for breakfast is AWESOME! :D

Anonymous said...

sounds like fun..
