Feb 13, 2009

Conversations in the glass castle

Here is a conversation that I had last night with Princess Belle. I have to say, it made me so happy! (and it made me laugh)

Princess Belle: Mommy did your belly get smaller?

Me: What do you mean?

Princess Belle: Well, before you looked like you still had a baby in your belly, but you don't anymore. Now you just look like Mommy.

Me: (in my head I am dancing a little jig and yelling woohoo at the top of my lungs) Well I probably did lose some weight in my belly.

Princess Belle: okay (runs off to play)

Me: What is her allowance? I need to double it.

Prince Charming: Mommy, she doesn't get an allowance. Double nothing is still nothing.

Me: Its a deal!

Prince Charming: Mommy that is not very nice (laughing)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! What an awesome compliment!
