Jan 19, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.
  1. I DID NOT keep my Princess Belle home from school today because she was awake half the night and I figured the teacher didn't do anything to deserve the nightmare that a sleepless Princess can entail. Not me!!

  2. I DID NOT put my puppy, Midnight, outside and forget about him until the neighbours sweet little girl came, holding his chain, letting me know that he had gotten off his chain. Not me!!

  3. When I was on my way up to get Princess Magpie to feed her, and Prince Charming suggested that I changed my shirt while I was up there, I DID NOT look at my wonderful husband incredulously and say, "Let me get this straight, I am going to get my notoriously messy baby to feed her and you want me to changed my milk-stained shirt so I can a completely new one milk-stained too???" Not me!!

  4. I DID NOT completely forget to buy milk when I got groceries. Not me!!


Wayne said...

Great not me monday. Poor poor Midnight lol

All Things Family said...

Nice not me! I often string out dogs out on the zip line that goes from our house to the out building and remember several minutes later that I never let them back in! Good thing they have no concept of time! And you're so nice to keep one home from school to spare the teacher...in my nanny days I would have ended up caring for the evil sleep deprived child!

Anonymous said...

I like this idea of this Not Me! meme. *lol*

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings said...

I did not read this post and laugh my butt off because a lot of it sounded like me!
