Jan 23, 2009

Friday Five

My five favorite storage containers:
  1. wicker baskets. I love wicker baskets, they make collection of junk look classy.
  2. jars. I love storing things in my kitchen in glass jars. It just looks homey and country style to me.
  3. cardboard gift boxes. I have several hard cardboard gift boxes that fit perfectly in my kitchen cupboards, I store my spices in them and they keep everything looking neat.
  4. Tupperware. I have tupperware containers that I use to store cereal, several that I use to store pasta and others I use to store other miscellaneous items.
  5. Plastic sandwich bags. I can store small items like picture hooks, game peices, hair ties etc and the bags keep all the small peices together.


Tasha said...

I love sandwich baggies. I put all my left overs in them...that way if I don't use them up when its timeI can just throw it all away with no messy wash up.

Anonymous said...

A girl after my own heart! *lol* ... I love to organize! :D

Anonymous said...

Effective list..I love organizing things too..My favorites are shoeboxes! :D
