For today's theme, salty, I had to post pics of Little Princess eating salty snacks. She is completely addicted to salty snacks. In the second pic, she is eating dry cereal with peanuts in the first she has two handfuls of cheezies. She is such a funny kid! I even have to hide salt from her, if she gets her hands on it, she eats right from the shaker!
I finally have a new (used) car. It is really old, but it is in good condition and it is mine. I just have to get insurance now and we will be all set. woohoo!
No change this week from last week, but that is okay. It is better than gaining, I guess.
Have a great weekend everyone!

salty treats and kids....and unbeatable combination.
Oh wow....salt and cheese!! Two I can't resist.
Mine's posted this week...OLD SALTS
These are my favorite snacks while I watch tv.
Have a great weekend.
How cute- she's got two handfuls! My son loves salt too- he'd eat it straight out of the shaker if I'd let him.
Have a super weekend.
Salty snacks are always good, but I'm not sure about salt straight from the shaker!
Thanks for visiting my blog.
I don't think I have visited your blog before, and I have to say, your weight loss is incredible. You are looking great! Good for you! I don't know how you do it with yummy snacks like these around.
YUMMY! They look good. Great pictures. Thanks for stopping by. btw...I love the Dear Lord picture. Thanks for stopping by.
Cute little girl - and I am with her on the cheetos
LOL, I don't blame your daughter I looove cheetos too! I just have to buy the baked ones now and portion them or I would eat the whole bag..lol Next week you and I both will have a loss! I am happy we didn't gain... :-)
Cute. My kids love salty snacks too!
Oooh, love salty munchies.
Ahhhh! She's a girl after my own heart!
Have a super Saturday!
Ooh, love Cheetos! Cute picture of your little Princess too! She looks as smug as a bug in a rug! Have a nice weekend! :)
Cheesy puffs.... haven't had those in years. Now I will have to resist when I go to the store.
Love the cartoon... so true, so true.
Lovely photos. Your little princess is very pretty.
Congrats on the car. You have amazing photos of your weight loss. Congratulations and keep up the good work.
Take car!
She looks like she's really enjoying those snacks! So cute. :)
Thanks for stopping by and have a good day. :)
Little Princess is loving the cheetos! My photo is up too!
(p.s. - I love the weight loss photos at the top! Congrats on such good success! And happy blog party! I love the name of your blog.)
Great ideas for salty. Now I have to go out and buy a bag of cheesies. I loooove those. I used to snitch salt from the shaker as a kid. I had forgotten about that till now, lol. Have a great weekend.
I have to admit, I am like your little girl - salty before anything sweet :) Great pictures for this week's theme...
Congratulation on your new car :)
Have a wonderful weekend.
Yum! I want some!
I posted a salty snack, too! My daughter is the same way with salt. She puts salt on anything on her dnner plate if I let her, adn she too will eat it out of the shaker! I think she's high blood pressure in the making.
Salty snacks, hard to stay away from. Happy weekend.
Swinging in for the party...Nice to meet ya.
Have a great Party week
I don't blame her, salty treats are my favorites too! :)
Thanks for stopping by.
Are those cheetos? It's funny but I've never had one because I never wanted orange hands! Beautiful daughter!
Just stopping by the party blogs to say hello. Nice to meet you.
Little Princess loves peanuts in her cereal? Oh my, I love to add peanuts into Chex Cereal for a snack! My photo is up too. please come and visit
Cheesy Poofs are Katie's favorite too! She doesn't have much of a sweet tooth or carb craving. She leaves her bread behind, picks the cheese and goodies off her pizza leaving the crust. We laugh sometimes, because I was on Atkins when pregnant with her.
What cute pics of your salt-loving daughter and congrats on your new-to-you car :) Enjoyed learning more about you in your previous post. Also congrats on your weight loss...you rock! Keep up the good work :) Hope you're having a fantastic weekend.
yummy salty cheese snacks :)i love em.
Wow, you're not kidding she loves salt. Doesn't it make her really thirsty?
I love Cheetos!
Mine's up too :)
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