Mar 16, 2007

Friday Feast

Click on the picture to join in the Friday Feast Fun! Have a Great Friday!

Name two things that made you smile this week.

Finally getting my energy back and Getting some good advice on my diet.

Fill in the blank: Don't you hate it when ________?

Don't you hate it when People insist that they know how to raise your baby better than you do?

When you can't go to sleep, what is your personal remedy to help yourself drift into Lullabyland?

Reading or Taking Deep Breaths and counting each breath until I fall asleep.

Main Course
What is something about which you've always wondered but have not yet found a good answer?

Why Weight loss can go so well for so long and then suddenly just get sooo darned hard.

What is your favorite pasta dish?



Anonymous said...

Totally agree with your soup.

Have a great weekend.


Raggedy said...

We like the same dessert! :)
Great Friday Feast!
My feast is served.
Have a wonderful day!
(")_ (")Š

Anonymous said...

that's so true abt ur so annoying when ppl try to give their unsolicited advices when it comes to parenting or raising a child...i have 2 now & still learning but sometimes it gets into my nerves when they think i do it the wrong way...what works for me might not work for them, they should accept that! sorry abt the lashing out here...great feast!

mine's just served!

Melli said...

Boyyyyyyy do I share your WONDERful main course! LOL! So... share... what was the good advice you got on your diet??? I seem to NEED some good advice these days too!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my site! I'm so impressed by your weight loss, you must be so proud of yourself! Well done! Have a great weekend!

Dreena said...

Hi Twisted Cinderella! Well done on your weight loss with those photos - that is fantastic... kudos to you!! I love lasagna too, but not sure if I can choose just 1 fave pasta dish!!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that your energy is back :)
