Oct 2, 2005


I got tagged by momyblogR. Woo-hoo let's PLAY!

The rules are as follows:

1. Go into your achieves.
2. Find your 23rd post.
3. Post the fifth sentence (or closest to it).
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.
5. Tag five other people to do the same thing.

My sentence was:

The mother loves her older daughter more.

I had just watched a Dr. Phil episode and I was completely heartbroken over the way that this mother treated her younger daughter.

Well it is Sunday and it will probably be a quiet day in our house today. Nothing further from the Wicked Witch, so fun stories on that front.

I have one question, have you ever noticed that every fall they networks all seem to get together and come up with one premise and then each run there separate ways to enlarge on it. So when we are watching the new shows for the fall there seems to be an abundance of the same story told 15 different ways and 15 different variations. And it is left to you to figure out which one you like and which one you think will last past 13 weeks into its first season.

Well, I gotta gotta go contemplate the meaning of the universe or maybe I'll just make breakfast, talk at ya later.

I'm tagging:

* M. C. Pearson
* kenju
* ribbiticus
* ensurt
* Carmi

Have fun!!!

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