May 2, 2010

What does it mean?

Since discovering that Princess Belle has ASD, I find myself watching my younger children, watching for signs of it in them as well.

The fact that my four month old baby still has difficulties sucking on a bottle of formula. The fact that she still has difficulties with her sucking reflex when she is only two months away from solid foods. Or the fact that if you talk too loud, she burst into tears. Does that mean anything?

How about my 21 month old? When she gets hysterically upset because she feels the wrong person is holding the remote control, because the diaper isn't put away yet, and any one of the other little things that makes her fall down screaming until you fix it. Is this simply being almost 2? Or does it mean anything?

I wouldn't be too upset to learn that they too will have challenges as they grow up. Having done this before, I know we can do this again. I would just like to be prepared. I would like to know how things are going to go. But then again, I guess nobody knows that for sure. #Autism


Unknown said...

I can not imagine...I have teenagers so it seems that the days in the toddler were so long ago that it is hard for me to remember what was normal at a certain stage...

Praying for you

Julie said...

I don't know much about it... But it sounds like Maggie has OCD, like I do... Can toddlers have OCD?

The Estrogen Files said...

It's so good that you know what to look for. My almost 2 yr old is a big giant spoiled pain, but I'm just chalking it up to being almost 2. Several of my other kids have some of the same things you are talking about and it's hard to know if it's just "life" or something else.
