May 6, 2010

Homeschool Stuff

Well homeschool is going well. Princess Belle is thoroughly enjoying the Medieval Unit that we are doing. She is having a lot of fun, learning a lot and Prince Charming is even joining in the fun. He has a wealth of information to share with us as we do our unit. I love that she just seems so excited by our work. She takes great joy in adding things to our homeschool wall. I will take a pic of it later and share it with you all.

I do have to share as well, that I don't think year round schooling will work for us. Every time we take a week off, she has a hard time getting back into the routine. We lose a few days of productive work. So, I think taking the summer off and just coming back a week or two earlier than the public school students so that we can have a few days extra built up.


The Estrogen Files said...

We are finishing our core subjects before the end of June (math, reading, language) and doing science, art and some history over the summer. I thought I'd throw in a bunch of awesome field trips, too.

Julie said...

I always enjoy summer vacations too much to give them up! *lol*
