Mar 22, 2009

Conversations with a seven year old

This morning, I was laying in bed, sleeping peacefully and I heard a knock at my door. I groaned. Princess Belle knows that knocking on my door wakes up Princess Magpie and isn't allowed. She knows that on weekend mornings, she can turn on the television in her room that only has access to kids shows. So I just say, "Go to your room and I will come in a minute to see what you want." She knocked again. I am officially grouchy.

I get up, put on my housecoat and open the door, ready to tell her to go to her room and wait for us to get up. She smiles at me, hands me a glass of Apple Juice and a banana and says, "Happy Birthday Mommy!" (clearly unconcerned that my birthday was on the 20th not today.)

My heart melts. I give her a hug, take my apple juice and my banana, give her a kiss, usher her to her room letting her know how much I appreciate her thoughtfulness. (silently deciding to ignore the fact that after one disaster too many, she is not allowed in the kitchen when we are not up yet, she is so sweet and loving.)

I walked back into my room to attempt to get a little more sleep (in vain as it turns out as she did indeed wake up her sister LOL), looking at Prince Charming, holding up the banana and the apple juice and smile, saying, "How could you get mad at this?"


Princess Belle: Mommy, J* revealed my secret. (she actually used the word revealed!)
Me: Oh? What secret was that?
Princess Belle: That I love M*, I mean I want to kiss him love him.
Me:(thinking, I will NOT laugh. I will NOT laugh) Oh dear, that wasn't very nice.
Princess Belle: I know I think so too. The kids all laugh

On a side note, I remember being in grade one and saying I loved every boy that was my friend. I guess I was just experimenting with the fact that there are different kinds of love. Whenever I have conversations like this with Princess Belle, it brings back all those memories.


Tasha said...

What a sweet heart. A Birthday Banana.

My 8 year old comes to me and asks when is it okay to kiss a boy. I tell her 30, thats a good age right?
These girls :)

Anonymous said...

Belle is so sweet!!!

Cory said...

She is so sweet! You're lucky to have such precious girls.
