Mar 21, 2007

Goofy Girl

Click the pic above to get to other Wordless Wednesday Participants.

scroll down for my birthday post


Donna. W said...

not so much a goofy girl as a happy one. Happy WW.

Unknown said...

I think she should be your sole subject for all your WWs. I mean, with a personality like that....

Sandee said...

What a cutie. Great shot that will be appreciated for many years to come.

Melli said...

Oh your up earrrrrly! I haven't even decided on a picture yet! Little Miss is mighty cute here!

Linda said...

She sure looks like a happy Little Princess!

Celeste said...

She is pretty!

The Minute Man: Colin Chang said...

She's cute!

Wordless Wednesday Guess-It is up! Go on and take a guess!

Kelly Curtis said...

What a fun picture! Totally exuberant happiness.

Very cool.

Anonymous said...

shes a cutie
mines up :)

Crazy Working Mom said...

So sweet! :)
What a smile. It made me smile...thanks!


She is lovely and has a great big smile.
My WW is up too.

maiylah said...

awww... love that happy expression! :)

Anonymous said...

I love her expression! She's just hanging around having fun, being the cute little Princess that she is! :P
Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Ah, to be that carefree again!

Anonymous said...

Ha! Totally fun! I so remember when doing that didn't give me a headache... lol


elasticwaistbandlady said...

I used to hang upside down like that too so I wouldn't have to blow my nose.

Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

What a happy child!

Anonymous said...

Hey lady, how goes it? Glad to hear Princess is feeling better! Just wanted to let you know I tagged you!

Anonymous said...

sorry i missed your birthday, hope it was a great one! :o)

Mags said...

It makes me want to do that in my chair now...but I think my boss would object. ;)

Happy WW...

Ingrid said...

I am hesitating, do I stand on my head or do I turn my laptop around to look at the picture ??

JoeinVegas said...

And in pink! Late happy birthday too!

Anonymous said...

She'd get along FAMOUSLY with my 3 kids!

Unknown said...


That pic should be beside the definition of "joy" in the dictionary. :-)

Monkey Kisses said...

awe how cute...
May I ask how your losing all the weight???

TorAa said...

Fun, yes. But take care;D

Is the photgrapher still alive?

Great entry;)

PS. This week I have one on both my 2 blogs

Marcia (MeeAugraphie) said...

She's so adorable and having so much fun!

funwithyourfood said...

she is adorable!!
