Mar 20, 2007

Tuesday Birthday Talk

Today is my BIRTHDAY! I am 35 years old today. I have absolutely nothing at all planned, but that is okay. Well that is not true, I do plan to get groceries. LOL. Happy Birthday to me to me!


I have discovered a yummy breakfast. I made ordinary oatmeal but I add cocoa and splenda. After it is cooked I put a dollop of applesauce on top and it is a yummy, nutritious breakfast that tastes like a treat!

Cheese-less cheese Sauce

I made a pasta last night that was really good. I wanted to make a cheesesauce for my pasta with my soy cheese. So this is what I came up with: I blended 1 veg bouillon cube, 1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup soy milk and 1 cup soy cheese. Then I heated over low heat, mixing with a whish until it was all blended. Now I added mine to some PC Meatless Meat strips and onions but next time I would forgo those and just add my cheeseless cheese sauce to my multigrain pasta. I used multigrain spaghetti noodles but again next time, I would use some type of macaroni noodles. But all in all a wonderful invented recipe that tasted great! I am definitely going to experiment with this one some more!

On a side note, Little Princess seems to be doing quite well today and I am going to be sending her back in to preschool tomorrow.
Have a great day guys!


Kat said...


Shelley said...

Happy Birthday TC! I hope you spend the whole day celebrating you!

P.S. I love the veggie recipes you put up on the site...mmm...they just look scrumdiddlyumptious!

Undercover Angel said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you have a fantastic day! That cheeseless cheese sauce recipe looks delicious!

Cory said...

Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! I'll be going to the grocery store today,!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to you! I hope you have a very memorable one! :)That pasta looks incredible!'
I'll be 35 this year too, in July!
Have a great Birth DAY!

Dreena said...

Happy Happy Birthday!!

Ha, grocery shopping for your special day... sounds like my typical birthday celebration!

Priceless cartoon...

Enjoy your day! :)

Lazy Daisy said...

Happy Birthday Babe....hope this one is the best ever!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday. Love that birthdays are like chocolate chip cookies wisdom.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!! Hope you are enjoying your day.

Nancy said...

Well Happy Birthday! Enjoy your day what ever you decide to do.

urban vegan said...

Happy b'day!

Melli said...

Well HAPPY BIRTHDAY! To youuuuu! I hope Prince Charming had plans - even if you didn't!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday TwistedCindy, from all of us at Veggin'Out!

Overwhelmed! said...

Happy Birthday to you! :)

Ingrid said...

Happy birthday and all the best !

Emmy said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!! I hope you had a wonderful birthday :)

Kat said...

Hope you had a great birthday! :)
