This is my first Tackle It Tuesday. I decided to tackle the Little Princess's bedroom because as I mentioned yesterday, it is a disaster zone with a strange smell. Here are some before pics.

Now for some reason 75% of the time, when I get cleaning a big thorough cleaning job, I end up moving furniture around. I get in there and suddenly think, that would be much better there and wouldn't moving this give her so much more room and presto, suddenly the room is clean and reorganized. I have done this all my life. Here are the results of my hard work and toil. Incidentally, I didn't figure out what the smell was, but when I was done cleaning, the room smelled wonderful so I will just be grateful for that.

She was so cute when she got home. She loved the way I changed it around. She climbed right up onto her bed with a snack and stayed there playing until bedtime.
Here is her reaction (click here if it doesn't load):
It looks awesome. Great job!
Looks great! You worked very hard on that one. Cute room too!
Good for you! I SO need to do this soon in my house. I think you just inspired me! It looks great!
- Jane, Pinks & Blues Girls
Good job on the room cleaning and furniture re-arranging :) Glad you were able to get rid of the strange smell even if you didn't find out where it was coming from.
Awesome job! It looks fantastic too! That's how I usually clean the kids bedrooms too - I find it easier to clean if I move everything around...
LOL you remind me so much of me!! I like to organize my kids stuff - much to their dismay. They don't share my enthusiasm for everything in it's place.
Think it's going to far when you have laminated tags on bins telling them which toys go where? ;)
elle, you are my personal hero if you have their stuff labelled! I have been wanting to put picture labels on all of her bins!
I wanna be like elle when I grown up!
TC you rocked today - what a lot to get accomplished. I need you to come and organize TINK's room - it is a disaster. Maybe I'll get to it this weekend!
That looks great!! I love to reorganize when I clean up too.
Yup, you done good Momma. They may get excited about your efforts now but I'm thinking NOT so as teenagers so enjoy it now.
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