Mar 8, 2007


Its a Blog Party! What a great way to get out there and get meeting people! So put out some food, turn up the music and join in the fun!

So, why don't I introduce myself? I am Twisted Cinderella. I am mother to the cutest 5 year old Little Princess in the world, who seems to have some kind of aversion to eating. I am working on it, but it is a struggle we have most every day.

My husband is Prince Charming. He is the original White Knight slaying dragons and defending the helpless and weak. He hates to see anyone taken advantage of or hurt. And he can't help himself from sweeping in to try to "save" them.

I am a new vegetarian, but Prince Charming and Little Princess are not. I love to blog and digital scrapbook. I love to cook and try new foods. And I have been losing weight since January 2006. I am currently down 60 lbs and still working on it, but it is harder now than it was.

Here are some scrapbook pages that kind of sum up parts of my life.


Ingrid said...

If there weren't the dates on the pictures, I would say you just melted in the sunshine ! Congratulations, that's quite an achievement !

Changed by His Love said...

Here from the blog party! So nice to meet you! I pray you have a fairy tale day!

Anonymous said...

What a delightful post, I just love your sassy attitude!

I have to say, that last scrap page just melts my heart, I could have written it myself.

Now, I have to go mingle, but I'll be back.

Unknown said...

WHOOT WHOOT on loosing that much weight!! :-)

Party on...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful baby girl! Fantastic scrapping! Wonderful weight loss! You give me hope!

Have fun at the blog party!

The Estrogen Files said...

Here for the Bloggy Party. Good for you on losing 45 pounds1 How'd you do it!! Want some of mine? Just kidding. Hope you'll pop over to visit me sometime.

Bookmom said...

Congrats on losing all the weight!! I did that about 4 years ago, pre-baby. So I know what that took!

Cute little daughter, too. I have two little princess myself!

I'm here for the blogging party too: Tracey, #207, . Your little girl might like the bubble video I have for the party post!

Anonymous said...

Here from the Blog Party! Good for you on your healthier eating, and you do a fantastic job on your layouts.
Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Hello there! I am stopping by for the UBP to say Hi.
Hmm, now I am going to have to try the Tofu scramble! :) Thanks!

Anonymous said...

That looks like a nice program to do scrap booking.

Anonymous said...

If you really want to know about Cinderella-- or any other story character-- I can probably give you more than you ever wanted to know ;o)

I'm a Story-lady, though by some twist in time I've never had a regular audience, I'm in love with stories so that doesn't really matter.

I love it when people think of the stories beyond the final kiss and the closing pages (I always wonder how long till the girl's pregnant-- and how many kids she'll have hehe)

Blessings on your day :o)

My Trendy Tykes said...

Nice to meet you!!

Congrats on your weight loss!!

Anonymous said...

Hey! It's so great to see you again. I love the new blog design. Very cool!

Just wanted to stop by your party and say Hi. It was great reading through some of your posts. I'll be back again during the week.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your weight loss!! I so need to get started. You have a lovely family.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see you again :)...

You do some beautiful digital scrap booking. Thank you for sharing...

Have a wonderful weekend.

TaunaLen said...

Party hopping on a Saturday! What great scrapbook pages. Glad to meet you, and read your blog. If you get the chance, please stop by my place for a cup of virtual coffee and some party chit chat. Party on!


Susan (5 Minutes For Mom) said...

What a wonderful accomplishment with your weight loss. The photos capture it so well.

And I love all your scrapbook pages!!!

Isn't it tough when kids don't like to eat. My little toddler is like that too. It's such a stress.

Pen Names: justwhen, rachel said...

Hi TC, I just found your blog. I'm in a similar situation with a spouse and child who aren't veg like's not easy, but we do go on...

So nice to meet you!

Jen said...

Congrats on the weight loss, that's really awesome! I really like your digital scrapbook pages.

Anonymous said...

Party hopper here! I love your blog and your Princess is precious.

Keep up the fantastic work on your healthy lifestyle and weight loss. You look fantastic.

Thanks for partying at my place.

Anonymous said...

Hi nice to meet you
your digital scrapbook pages are lovely.
and i like snacking on cereal too

Julie said...

Wow, awesome weight loss. You should be so proud of yourself. I love the title of your blog, very unique. You'r digital scrapbooking is great. I may need to try that. Thanks for visiting me.


Multi-tasking Mommy said...

Here for your blog party!

Love your site, very creative indeed.

Please feel free to drop by mine anytime:

Congratulations on your weightloss, what a wonderful accomplishment! Good for you :)

I am just starting to hear about digital scrapbooking, I have been doing the old fashioned way for a few years now...hmmm...I'm intrigued! I want to learn more!

Amy's Blah, Blah, Blogging said...

Wow, what a feat to have lost that much weight! Amazing!

Your digital scrapbooking is great. I don't think I know what that is but they look really good. Where would you get a program like that?

Happy blog party this week!

Lynne said...

Great blog and congrats on the weight loss!

I just got an email on my triplet newsgroup today about an author who has written a few books on food battles with kids. Check out Ellyn Satter. I'm going to order one for when my three little ones get to that stage. (My 3 year old is already there.)

Have a great week!

Lisa Knight said...

Here for the party! I love your pages. I really need to find time to scrapbook more! Congrats on the weight loss. I wasn't brave enough to take before pics (bad enough I have to look at the family protrait we took shortly after ds was born) So congrats on your bravery as well!!!

Party on!

I am over at Sew What's Up!

Undercover Angel said...

Just popping in for the party! I love your blog and will visit often.

Stacey said...

Stopping in for your party! Have a great week!

Shalee said...

Congrats on the weight loss! Thant is so incredibly inspiring.

And you are very talented in your scrapbooking. I have not that talent. And that's okay because I can enjoy it in others.

Brandie said...

Hello! Ilove your layouts .. htey are fabulous. And congrats on the weight loss! =)

Doris said...

Hi. Thanks for stopping by my party. Glad I still had a slice of cake to serve you.

:) Have a great Thursday!
