Mar 26, 2016

Full House

Princess Tigger and her family are here for Easter weekend and so our house has been full of people, kids, laughter and fun.  It is nice to have some time to visit with our friends!

The Little Girls got to make some cookies with Princess Tigger's daughter which was super-special to them!


Little Princes seemed to enjoy having a house full of people.  

He even touched, smelled and licked some new foods.

This was a quiet moment between Princess Magpie and Princess Tigger's son. It was really sweet.

 I LOVED this moment with Princess Belle and Little Prince it just so completely reflects how much they adore each other and how special that really is.

Little Prince got some new books that he just loved.

Little Prince LOVED the birthday present that Princess Tigger brought him!  His very own toy cell phone that makes noises!  He spent lots of time 'making calls'.

 By the end of the day, my boy was TIRED!

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