Oct 22, 2015

It seems like a simple thing.

There is a baby bottle in my cupboard.  It has a red lid and it used to have Winnie the Pooh pictures on it.  It is old and well-used.  And it doesn't look very special.  But it is.  Way back in May 2007, I was finally pregnant with my second child.  After five years of trying, I was thrilled.  I talked to my belly every day.  Princess Belle talked to my belly too.  I took belly pictures before there was really a belly.  And I went out and bought an adorable set of baby bottles with Winnie the Pooh pictures and a green stand.  And I placed them hopefully on the shelf of the closet of the room I had set aside for my baby's nursery.

On June 4, 2007, I lost my baby, Princess Belle was devistated, and I  was completely heartbroken.  I named the baby I had lost Daniella and I placed all the little things I had of her in a small wooden box (a bonnet, a teddy that Princess Belle used to play music on my belly and a few other little things) But the bottles I left up in the closet and then I tried to move through the pain.

On December 8, 2007, I found out that another little life was growing inside me.  When I welcomed Princess Magpie into my loving arms.  I felt so lucky to be able to love her.  And I fed her with the bottles I bought for her sister.  It was like a gift from one baby to another, a way of keeping some small part of Danielle in our family.  And with each of my other babies, I passed on those same bottles . . . A legacy from one child to the other.

Little Prince has been using the last bottle left of the set.  Over the years the others had been lost.  Two days ago, while shopping for Halloween costumes  Little Prince lost the bottle.  The last one from my Daniella, the one all my youngest children had used.  It was gone.  Now it seemed like a small thing to everyone else but this bottle was important to me.   Today, I crossed my fingers and called the store (or rather made Prince Charming do it.)  And they had found it!!  I hopped into a taxi and rushed to pick it up.  And as the lady at the service counter placed it into my trembling hands, I thanked her with tears streaming down my cheeks.

And now there is a baby bottle in my cupboard.

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