Nov 17, 2010

Picture mania

Well, I am feeling a little better. My children still do not believe in sleep and I am still fighting the dreaded caffeine withdrawal headache, but I am less scatterbrained from it. I can't believe how hard it has hit me to fight this addiction.

In the meantime, I actually got up and did something today, (other than take care of my kids and get groceries and all that fun stuff). I started unpacking my pics. It reminded me that I have to frame some pics of Princess Snifflefritz to put up. I love looking around and seeing my girls.

The older girls were both so excited to see the pics going up. Princess Belle was playing foreman giving ideas of where they should go and Princess Magpie just kept pointing and saying, "Baby! Baby!" with no idea that the baby was her.

1 comment:

Julie said...

My house is plastered with pictures of the kids. Most people think I over-do it. *lol*
