Nov 13, 2010

Cute Moments

We let the Princess's stay up a little late to watch Hannah Montana Forever we had taped and apparently Princess Magpie was tired after it was over. While Princess Belle was standing talking to us about the movie, Princess Magpie walked up and wrapped her arms around her big sisters legs. We were all ahhing appropriately at the sudden hug when she then started pushing Princess Belle down the hall to her room. It seems that Princess Magpie wanted to go to bed and since she shares with Princess Belle she figured she had to push her to bed too.

While I was typing this to you, Princess Snifflefritz crawled down the hall to her big sisters' room and started crying outside their door. You see, she adores her big sisters and was upset that they had both gone to bed.

1 comment:

Julie said...

*lol* Soooooo cute!
