Nov 6, 2010

I'm Back!

As you know nothing ever goes quite as smoothly as you expect and our internet wasn't working when we moved, but we are back and set up and happily settling in. I have to say, the more I unpack, the more I fall instantly in love with my new house. It doesn't have as much storage as our last place, but it suits us perfectly. it is cozy and comfy and feels lived in. I am not scared for my kids to be kids here. It has beautiful architectural details that I LOVE. There is not a real big yard, but there is a lovely park just around the corner. And the best thing yet . . . when I get our boxes out of it, we will have a dedicated classroom!!! I am so happy!!!

I will have pics to share soon.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Glad you're liking the new house! Can't wait to see pictures! :)
