Jul 29, 2010

Thursday Thoughts

I am looking forward to taking the kids to the Festival of Flight in here town this weekend. It will be fun to get out and enjoy it.

Princess Snifflefritz seems to be sucking her thumb these days. It doesn't bother me, it helps her to self-sooth.

She also seems to be practicing turning over a lot. She keeps getting stuck on her belly and having to work really hard to try to turn over on her back again. She is really loud making grunting noises like you do when you are lifting something heavy and she works really hard and has only been successful once so far. But I let her work on it. As long as she doesn't get upset, I let her work. When she gets upset, I swoop in and move her arm to let her be successful in her attempt.

Princess Magpie has really gotten strict in the way she likes things. Some of it works to my benefit. She insist on putting wrappers in the garbage, on putting her shoes on the shoe rack, on closing doors when she goes through them. I figure if those qualities could rub off on her big sister, it would actually be a good thing.

I took Princess Belle to the library yesterday. She really enjoyed it.

Last night I bought some vegan, low fat, whole grain buns and some veggies and came home and made myself a wonderful veggie sub. It was out of this world! I have all the same stuff down stairs and there is a good chance I will have one for breakfast this morning too. Anyone who says being a vegan is a deprivation diet, just isn't trying hard. There are so many wondeful foods out there to enjoy if you just open your eyes and your mind.


Rebecca said...

My princess sucked her thumb...though, she still doesn't put things away or close her doors..>I think she's waiting for her friends (birds/chipmunks) to come do those things for her!!! Love your 'about me' area...so true of all of us!! Thanks for stopping by...I love your blog and will return often!!

Julie said...

All my kids were thumb suckers, and as a result, they all slept through the night before they were 3 months old.... I loved it! *lol*

