Jul 26, 2010

Monday Mumblings

I was sick with an awful headache today but in the afternoon, we still managed to have lots of family fun. The Princess's joined me in some physical activity. I was hoping that maybe if I pick back up on my diet and exercise routine, my health would get better again and I wouldn't get so many crippling headaches. It seems to have worked because this evening, my headache has eased off.

So tomorrow, I will try to get more activity in and see if it helps. I was going to wait a while to get back to my diet, wait until our financial situation from the move has settled a little, but truth be told, I think I need to do this for my own health, so I am going to work it out as best I can.

It has been raining here today. I didn't even mind. It was a nice relief from the heat. I went out to get a coffee to see if it would help my head and I watched people running in, dodging the rain and I just walked in, enjoying the coolness of it. Is that silly??

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