Aug 2, 2008

Saturday's Stuff

Well, we went out and got groceries today. Not very exciting, I know but we needed them and I wanted to see what effect that would have on my blood pressure if I made sure to take my medication before I left. It was a small grocery day and so we weren't out very long but when I checked my blood pressure it was up a lot again. I have another doctor's appointment on Monday so that she can check my blood pressure again. What a pain in the butt this whole blood pressure thing is. Princess Mag-pie slept the entire trip. She was very sweet. Princess Belle on the other hand was picky and cranky and a pain the butt. We have decided that for our next grocery trip, we are going shopping when Princess Belle is at Daycamp.


Anonymous said...

My BP never went down after having Amanda... I now have borderline hypertention. *sigh* ... I keep waiting for it to go up, because it runs in my family. My mom, my brother, and my sister are all on meds for it.

Anonymous said...

I hope you get good news on Monday.
