Aug 12, 2008

Tackle It Tuesday

My Tackle this week has been getting this house under control. I am supposed to be basically on bedrest due to high blood pressure, but I need to get some things done. So I am tackling the following:

  1. mount laundry
  2. cleaning the floor
  3. my kitchen
  4. my fridge
  5. my bathroom
For future tackles, I am saving Princess Belle's room. I am not ready to tackle that one yet.

In other unrelated news, the nurse stopped by to check on Princess Mag-pie and I. We passed the check with flying colors. My medication is finally showing some effect on my blood pressure, Princess Mag-pie is looking wonderful and healthy and everything is fine.

Prince Charming has arranged for someone to stop by to chat about getting her christened. So it is good I am trying to get this house somewhat cleaned up.


happyathome said...

Skip the fridge and the bathroom since the person coming over will not probably see this and take it easy! Laundry is enough of work.
Stop by my tackle for a continuation of my front porch makeover!

Anonymous said...

Uh, that doesn't sound like bedrest to me. Maybe you should scale back a little....

Anonymous said...

I've gotta tackle a lot more today on top of sharing the hair cuts I did yesterday... I wanna get caught up in my house.

Anonymous said...

Oh my - you sure are a motivated one!

I'd probably skip it tackle bedrest. ;)

Your girls are so cute - congratulations!!!

Audra Krell said...

I know I'd be successful at tackling the old bed for bedrest! Be careful with the high blood pressure, as you know, it's nothing you want to mess with! Glad things looked good when the nurse stopped by, figure out how to keep it that way! : )

Barb said...

You know that all that cleaning and work will still be there when you are ready to do it.... try to not overdo it, gotta take care of yourself so that your family will also be well
