Nov 19, 2007

Menu Plan Monday -- Nov 19 - 25

Fo this weeks menu plan I am trying to go easy on the carbs I have been pigging out on endlessly. I am going to try to cut back on the fat in these recipes and I will cook whole grain rice, pasta, or potatoes as side dishes for Prince Charming and Princess. (They don't need to be subjected to my attempt to start the scale moving in the right direction again.) I will add extra veggies as a side dish to mine.

  1. Monday -- Italian Chicken
  2. Tuesday -- Cheesy Hamburger & Broccoli Casserole
  3. Wednesday --Crusted Pork chops
  4. Thursday -- Cheesy Chicken Green Bean Casserole
  5. Friday -- Coney Island Chili
  6. Saturday -- Asian Pork
  7. Sunday -- chops with mustard cream sauce

Bonus recipes I will try:

chicken "noodle"

Chicken Chili

Cauliflower bisque

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a delicious meal plan this week--I love all of the links too!! We are going to be knee deep in turkey this week :)
