Jul 17, 2006

What is it with me and my dreams anyway?

Okay let me tell you, I am seriously thinking of sending my brain to the Howard Hughes Medical Institute or the Smithsonian Institution for research. There must be some money to be made in discovering why the heck these things go through my brain in the middle of the night. I mean I once dreamed I was in love with PAULY SHORE!! I mean really, Pauly Shore people (you know the guy, wacky weasel, of Ensino Man fame?) I am sure I could think of better people to dream about if I try just a little!

Now last night, I dreamed about Nick Lachey (as if he doesn't have enough to think about with his divorce, he needs crazy people like me dreaming about him). I dreamed that I was standing around outside a building and he was waiting with a body guard to make his entrance. Some idiot walks by and asks me what I am thinking I am doing, that someone like Nick couldn't possibly want to hang out with someone as fat and old as me. I brushed it off and Nick raised his eyebrows. The next guy who walks by asks me if I think that Nick could possibly want to hang out with someone as Ugly as me. Well apparently that broke my heart and I started to cry. That made Nick feel bad and I blubbered to him about how I could fix my weight so that didn't bother me but that I couldn't help what I looked like and that was really upsetting. While I cried like an idiot he went after the other guy and laid a beating on him. He then came over, comforted me and invited me to spend the evening having fun with him and his guys.

Now while the idea of Nick Lachey defending my honor and then proceeding to want to spend time with me is lovely, I have no idea why I would dream that. I have no big thing for Nick (unlike my friend). I do not have some crazy secret desire to scale his walls and sleep in his bed or some other wild stalker like tendencies. I think he is a recently divorced guy who has a broken heart and a lot on his mind.

And besides, I married my knight in shining armor who is quite capable and willing to defend my honor whenever I need it.

Mmmmm . . . I gotta stop drinking coffee before I go to bed, it is giving me weird weird weird dreams.


Anonymous said...

Ha ha. Pauly Shore. You're braver than me, my friend. I have some dreams about some weird people, but they're going to my grave with me!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're still warring with your inner self-image.
As for Pauly Shore.. eeesh!... I recently saw that movie "Pauly Shore is Dead"... got all excited.. then realized he wasn't. ;P

Congrats on the weight loss, hon! I know how difficult it is!

Anonymous said...

tc.. I have no idea what friend you are talking about...hmmm hmm whistle whistle.


Anonymous said...

Awww, that's sweet...I'm betting Nick was PC in disguise!
